zaterdag 24 september 2011


Boat_trip_4130 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4130, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4131 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4131, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4132 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4132, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4133 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4133, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4134 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4134, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4135 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4135, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4168 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4168, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4167 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4167, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4161 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4161, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4153 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4153, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4149 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4149, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4147 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4147, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4145 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4145, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4144 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4144, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4143 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4143, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4142 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4142, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4140 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4140, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4138 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4138, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4137 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4137, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4136 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4136, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4129 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4129, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4127 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4127, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4126 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4126, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4125 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4125, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!


Boat_trip_4124 by totemtoeren
Boat_trip_4124, a photo by totemtoeren on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens at Totem (Fedasil OC Arendonk). This time it was a day for the Guys!

Uploaded Totem photoset Boat Trip


Boat Trip, a set on Flickr.

On regular bases we plan trips with our Citizens. This time it was a day for the Guys

vrijdag 23 september 2011

Sluiting AZC Barlo is grote klap voor velen

AALTEN - Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk vreest in het personeelsbestand te moeten snijden, nu besloten is het asielzoekerscentrum in Barlo (gemeente Aalten) te sluiten. De voorgenomen sluiting van het asielzoekerscentrum in Barlo is voor de meeste betrokkenen een grote klap.
Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk zal waarschijnlijk moeten snijden in het personeelsbestand en er wordt overwogen om het kantoor in Winterswijk te sluiten. De dependance van de St. Jozefschoolgaat dicht en medewerkers van het COA (Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers) gaan onzekerheid tegemoet. Enkelen krijgen binnen de organisatie een nieuwe functie, voor anderen wordt een sociaal plan opgesteld.

Labor's partners in government have described the asylum seeker debate as hysterical and a disgrace as two more boats arrive.
The discovery what not made until after the boat was taken to the island and inspected.
An initial count by officers early on Friday turned up 60 passengers and three crew.
But Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said further scrutiny revealed a deck below the main deck carrying 49 asylum seekers and a fourth crew member, taking the total on board to 113.
'I have been advised by Border Protection Command that this deck resulted in the concealment of a significant number of people,' Mr O'Connor said on Friday in a statement.

read article

Gillard, Abbott squabble as 175 more asylum seekers arrive

Asylum seekers
Boats carrying 175 asylum seekers arrived yesterday, including one with a secret deck hiding 49 people.   News Limited
JULIA Gillard says Tony Abbott will be to blame for every new boat arrival and the expansion of mainland detention centres until he supports her changes to the Migration Act.
The Opposition Leader rejected the accusation as a "desperate" ploy from a Prime Minister who had lost control of Australia's borders.